It’s very relaxing coming here. The whole routine is really well thought out.
Young meditator
Can’t wait for the next one!
World Peace Assembly - Mary
A deep sense of peace and joyfulness
Meditators’ rounding - Zoe
Takes my meditations to a new level..
Local Meditator - Rob
Inspiring, relaxing, meaningful, informative
Meditators' online half-day course - Stephanie
Very much a life changing experience.
TM-Sidhi Course - Chris
My first ever rounding weekend was a blissful experience
Meditators' online half-day course - Clodagh
A boost to my wellbeing
World Peace Assembly - Beverley
Faces change – all shiny, glowing.
Invincible Europe Assembly - Christine
A privilege to refresh this precious timeless knowledge
TM-Sidhi Refresher Course - Helen
My understanding takes a major step forward.
Invincible Europe Assembly - Bridget
Magical, highly recommended, wonderful
TM-Sidhi Flying Course - Richard
Best place for the best meditations
World Peace Assembly - Alan
Fri 9 - Fri 23 Aug
IEA (Invincible Europe Assembly)
Experience the magic of extended programmes in the Maharishi Dome
Book here
Fri 23 - Sun 25 Aug
Meditators' Weekend Retreat
How to tap more of your potential
Book here
Fri 23 - Mon 26 Aug •OR• Weds 28 Aug
World Peace Assembly
Charge your batteries & enjoy complete relaxation in the Maharishi Dome
Book here
Sun 6 Oct
Meditators’ online Half Day Course
Go Beyond the Realm of Your Everyday Life
Book here
Sun 20 Oct
Full Day Meditator Retreat
Enjoy a revitalising rounding programme at the Maharishi Dome
Book here
Fri 25 - Sun 27 Oct
Meditators' Weekend Retreat
The mechanics of desire fulfilment: how to live freedom in an uncertain world
Book here
Wed 13 - Sun 17 Nov
Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation
Simple techniques that enrich and deepen your experience of Transcendental Meditation - SUBJECT TO DEMAND -
Book here
Fri 6 - Fri 20 Dec
IEA (Invincible Europe Assembly)
For those who are really wanting to progress their experiences to a level of higher consciousness
Book here
Sat 28 - Mon 30 Dec •OR• Thur 2 Jan 2025
World Peace Assembly
Charge your batteries & enjoy complete relaxation in the Maharishi Dome
Book here
Sat 28 - Mon 30 Dec
Meditators' Weekend Retreat
Extended practice of TM is a chance to totally unwind
Book here


No, you need to have learnt Transcendental Meditation to attend one of our courses. Please visit here to find out more about learning.

Our National TM website is or if you are in the North you can see the list of local TM teachers here.

Yes you can. Select the course you are booking. On the booking page, enter the person’s details who you are booking for.

It’s easier if you book online. If you are experiencing difficulties, or are unable to book online, please contact us on 01695 51617 between 10 am and 1 pm and we will be happy to help.

Yes, our chefs our happy to accommodate anyone with a food intolerance. Please specify that you need a special diet when you book.

It is recommended that you don’t drive whilst you are on a course. If you have driven here and are staying with one of our local meditator hosts, you will not need to use your car as all our accommodation is within walking distance of the Dome. If you have booked to stay in the hotel, we will arrange taxis to take you to and from the Dome and the hotel whilst you are here.

You can stay with one of our local meditator hosts who will provide you with a comfortable bedroom and breakfast. You can also choose to stay at a local hotel or you can make your own arrangements. If you choose the hotel option, we will take care of the booking and arrange taxis for you during your stay.

Yes you can, just add an extra night when you are booking a course. For additional nights, we will check with your host.

“What a gift… the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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