- Experience the amazing atmosphere created by over a million meditations in the Maharishi Dome
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MORE INFO - Experience the amazing atmosphere created by over a million meditations in the Maharishi Dome
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Opened 1988
Our latest courses at the Maharishi Dome
Residential courses include accommodation, delicious vegetarian meals and time for social relaxation. Attendees return home rested, refreshed and revitalised.
rounding is like a week on a beach.” – Gareth J. Evans

In 1988, the MP for West Lancashire, Kenneth Hind, inaugurated the Maharishi Dome, Britain’s first custom-built group meditation centre.
Since then, twice every day, between 40 and 150 people have practiced Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes.
Research on the effects of group meditation has shown that large groups create an influence of peace and positivity, both for the individuals and for surrounding communities. Depending on the size of the group, these effects can be local, national, or even global.
Maharishi Dome is one of a number of projects established worldwide to help create World Peace.
In 2000, Maharishi Dome and the supporting community of meditators, including also Maharishi School and Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centre, received the British Urban Regeneration Award (BURA) for a positive contribution to economic regeneration in the area.
The evidence based technique for inner peace and wellness

Builds resilience to stress, reduces anxiety, supports natural sleep

Improves learning and decision making. Clears the mind of clutter.

Improves heart health and mental, social and emotional wellbeing.

Founder of Transcendental Meditation
Water the root to
enjoy the fruit
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought the simple and natural technique of Transcendental Meditation to the World in 1955 and revived the ancient Vedic knowledge as a complete and practical science of life suited to our modern times. The Transcendental Meditation Programme is now the most researched programme for self-development in the world today with over 600 scientific studies (published on over 160 scientific journals) showing benefits for physical and mental health, improvements in social trends, and world peace.
The Maharishi Dome was established following research indicating that when the square root of any population practices Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes together in a group, there is an increase in positive trends in society and a decrease in negative trends, such as crime, accidents and sickness. Both of these programmes are taught and practiced in the Maharishi Dome.
Creating a more positive world: news from writers and researchers.

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